End Above Overworld is a datapack that allows you to travel by flying between the End and Overworld dimension in Minecraft. Players, but also mobs and items are teleported.
Minecraft 1.13+
Features of End Above Overworld
Fall from the End…
When you fall in the End, if you reach layer -25, you are teleported to the Overworld at the same position.
This only applies to players. If you want items and creatures to be teleported as well, activate the Affected Entities option (see below).

…In the Overworld
When you fly in the Overworld, if you reach layer 350, you are teleported to the End at the same position.
During the passage from one world to the other, the speed is not preserved. It is therefore essential to have the elytra to be able to fly to the End, otherwise, gravity will pull you back to the Overworld.

Change options of End Above Overworld
You can make the command in the chat. You must be an operator and have a premium version.
/function fkeao:options/get

Uninstall the datapack
You can make the command in the chat. You must be an operator.
/function fkeao:uninstall