Combat Set is a datapack that modifies the equipment in depth. The armors and weapons correspond to RPG archetypes. Assassin, Tank, Buffer… Choose your role!
Minecraft 1.20+
Features of Combat Set
Advancements pannel
The advancements panel features a new page for weapon, armor and combat crafts. To unlock this panel, simply kill a monster with a weapon. Every informations about crafts and skills are there.
Weapon and Armor Set
The armor sets are oriented towards an archetype: offense, defense or magic.
To obtain a set and its associated skill, you must have at least 3 pieces of the same set equipped on you.
Each set allows you to obtain a special skill, active or passive.
Some of them are triggered with the sneak key, others by sprinting, and finally, some skills are passive (and therefore automatic).
Each type of weapon has one or more variants. Each weapon or armor has its own stats and gameplay. Forge them all to discover them!
To forge a new equipment, craft the basic weapon or armor, and equip it once. Then, throw the equipment on an anvil and add the materials needed for the craft. To find out what materials you need, check the advancements panel.
Options of Combat Set
You can type the command in the chat. You must be an operator and have a premium datapack version.
/function fkcs:options/get
Uninstall the datapack
You can type the command in the chat. You must be an operator.
/function fkcs:uninstall